Saturday, July 19, 2014

I Knew They Were The Ones / Feeling Guilty

Tonight I am feeling oh-so-grateful for finding your parents so early on and building our relationship to such a beautiful thing (its still growing). They really are what I wish for myself in the future, but even more perfect. I've said it 2 million times and I'll say it again... When their blog page loaded I absolutely knew i found them...

Tonight I looked back on their blog that I first laid my eyes on back in (about) September of 2012... I scrolled through their pictures and just fell in love. There was this one picture of your mom and her adorable sisters, with the caption "Chelsy and her cute sisters" all of them had experienced motherhood, yet Chelsy hadn't.

I was talking with a fellow birth-mom friend who placed just a bitter-sweet 3 1/2 months ago. I was explaining to her how in ways I feel guilty that I experienced something so beautiful and amazing, without even "wanting" (not planning on pregnancy/motherhood) and Chelsy, who had waited her whole life and longed for it for years, hadn't. My friend continued with a statement that is so fitting to my feeling (if that's the right word) of this saying something like "We were messing with magic".

I don't know how else to continue...

Love You, And I Mean It,
Birth-Mom Biz

Gotta share this picture...
(You are now 15 months!)

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