Saturday, August 3, 2013

An Answer To Their Prayers

"At times we will be tested and the challenges I may have in life will be hard. But I will go and be that answer to your challenge and answer your prayer."  

     A woman e-mailed me this with a paragraph to go with it. I was reading how she was thanking me for my decision to place my baby. Then I read that. I started to cry because it's so very true. I answered someone's prayers. That someday they will be a mother/father. I feel as if I have a very special place in Clara's family. I've finally answered their prayers. 

I can't stop crying. Gotta go.

Love You, And I Mean It,

1 comment:

  1. Your blog breaks my heart because I can clearly see the pain in your heart. You are an amazing young woman Biz. It sounds like Clara will always be a part of your life and I love that her parents are keeping you close and sending photos. I know Clara would want you to be happy and would thank you for being so selfless. It's okay to be happy and move forward in your life. You did one of the greatest things possible giving Clara the best in life. You have an entire life a head of you Biz. Just picture what you want - going to college, writing your book and focus on that. Even if Clara is not physically close, she'll always be in your life. Wishing the best for you, Lisa.
